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E-signature - Electronic document signature

Does your company have an IT system where you prepare documents for signing? Do you want to conveniently issue and send them to your business partners? Do you need an electronic signature that is legally binding? Check out the Amodit TrustCenter solution and speed up this business process.

Free consultation

What is AMODIT TrustCenter?

AMODIT TrustCenter is a cloud-based service that enables the electronic signing of business documents with contractors, subcontractors, service providers, employees, and managers.

The solution complies with the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Act of 2016, European Parliament Regulation 910/2014, known as the eIDAS Regulation, and other regulations governing the technical aspects of electronic signatures.

What do you gain by using AMODIT TrustCenter and e-signatures?

Thanks to the REST API, AMODIT TrustCenter can be integrated with any CRM, ERP, or other solution currently used in your company.

What do you gain from this integration? Practically immediate access to a proven tool for signing documents. At the same time, you continue to work within the familiar IT system your company uses for preparing and managing documents.

Benefits for your company from implementing e-signatures

Lower costs

You save on costs such as printing, sending documents by traditional mail, and resending them in case of any changes or after acceptance by the other party.

Time savings

Quickly make necessary corrections and send the document for signature. No more reprinting and another trip to the post office.


Anyone can sign the document from any device, at any time and place in the world, without needing to purchase access or create an account.

Immediate effect

Your IT system is enhanced with additional functionality, and employees preparing documents for signature continue to use the system they are familiar with.


AMODIT TrustCenter helps you efficiently manage the entire document workflow process at every stage – from preparation, review, to contract approval.


This solution allows you to eliminate paper from the company’s workflow (for example, 0.5 million printed pages per year equates to about 20 trees)

See how simple it is to use electronic signatures

Wondering what each stage of the contract signing process looks like using your IT system integrated with AMODIT TrustCenter? Check out the sample scenario of this process below.

1. Prepare the document

In your existing system, create the document you intend to send to several people for signing. Enter their basic details: first name, last name, email address, and optionally, mobile phone number, company name, and position.

2. Specify the details

Determine how the selected individuals will access the document, e.g., via SMS code. Decide which type of signature (according to the eIDAS regulation) will be used to approve the document. Click the “Send for signature” button, which will utilize the AMODIT TrustCenter API.

3. Send to TrustCenter

The document is sent to AMODIT TrustCenter with information about the recipients, login, and signing parameters. Before sending, we apply our certificate, which confirms conformity with the original – you are guaranteed that nothing will change in the document without your knowledge.

secure and simple contract signing with electronic signatures

AMODIT TrustCenter guarantees the security and proper execution of contracts between your company and business partners. No printing, sending paper versions of documents back and forth, manually initialing all pages, or sending back signed copies.

Do you want a convenient system that streamlines your company’s operations, including electronic signatures? See how much AMODIT can offer you.

What are the next steps to sign a document electronically through AMODIT TrustCenter?

  1. AMODIT TrustCenter will notify the designated individuals by email about the document being issued for signature. They will receive a personalized link to the document placed in AMODIT TrustCenter.
  2. Depending on the set options, they log in to AMODIT TrustCenter. Importantly, they do not need to create an account, and the login can be done, for example, via SMS code. They review the document, along with a preview of the list of people who have already signed and those who have yet to sign.
  3. Depending on the set options, one of the available types of signatures can be used: simple, handwritten, SMS, handwritten with SMS confirmation, or qualified PADES. With the appropriate option settings, the signer may have access to only one type of signature, e.g., qualified signature.
  4. AMODIT TrustCenter API gives you the freedom to manage the process. With this solution, you can easily check the current status of the document, e.g., who has already signed it. You can also interrupt the process or add new people who should sign the document.
  5. When the document is signed by all designated individuals, each signer will receive an email informing them that the process is complete, and the signed document will be attached to the message.
  6. You can download the signed document to your IT system and store a copy there. You can also verify the signature, e.g., in Adobe Reader or on the website

Schedule a free consultation

with one of our specialists. We will show you step by step how to effectively optimize document signing in your company using AMODIT.

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