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Electronic contract signing

Do you value efficient communication with contractors and employees? Are you looking for a tool that enables secure document signing, including contract agreements? Introducing AMODIT TrustCenter – a convenient solution that saves you time and accelerates processes. Sign a contract in seconds, and if there’s a mistake, resend it without waiting for a courier or incurring additional costs. It’s that simple.

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Who is electronic contract signing for?

Electronic signatures in AMODIT are perfect for any company that wants to conveniently sign its documents. No more printing, sending paper versions of the document back and forth, manually initialing all pages, and sending back a signed copy.


Why electronic contract signing?

AMODIT TrustCenter is a cloud-based service that enables electronic signing of documents with contractors, subcontractors, service providers, and employees.

The solution complies with the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Act of 2016, European Parliament Regulation 910/2014 (known as the eIDAS Regulation), and regulations governing the technical aspects of electronic signatures.

How does document signing work in AMODIT?

Signing documents in AMODIT is a simple and convenient online process. Just prepare the document, enter the signatories’ details, choose the type of signature (e.g., SMS, handwritten, qualified), and set the document’s availability time. After sending the document for signature, the signatory receives an email with a link. The system allows monitoring the status and ensures the authenticity and integrity of the documents. Once all parties have signed, each receives an email with the signed document.

Benefits for your company from implementing electronic signatures

Convenience in daily work is just the beginning. What will you gain by using electronic signatures in AMODIT?

Cost reduction

eliminates the costs of printing, paper, sending documents by traditional mail, and resending them in case of corrections

Convenience and time savings

quickly make necessary changes and resend the document for signature without waiting for a courier

Archive of signed documents

the signed document automatically returns to the system, requiring no manual intervention


the document can be signed from any place and device. Your contractors do not need an account or login – they can do it for free in a few moments

Pro-environmental action

the possibility of completely eliminating paper from circulation in the company (saving 0.5 million printed pages annually is about 20 trees)

Even more benefits from implementing electronic signatures

Prepare the document

The document must include: first name, last name, and email address, and optionally, mobile phone number, company name, and position. Then, you set the access method to the document and the type of signature the recipient will be asked to provide.

Send to TrustCenter

The document is sent to AMODIT TrustCenter with information about the signatories, login, and signing parameters. At this point, a certificate confirming conformity with the original is attached – you have a guarantee that no changes will appear in the document. Your contractor receives the document in their email inbox and signs it via a web browser.

Free choice of signature type

Depending on the set options, one of the available signature types can be used: simple, handwritten, via SMS, handwritten with SMS confirmation, or qualified PAdES signature (dedicated to PDF files).

Convenient access to prepared documents

While waiting for the signature, you can check the current status of the document via the AMODIT TrustCenter API, including who has already signed it. You can also interrupt the signing process or add new people who should sign the document.

Document authenticity and integrity

The signed document is marked with an electronic seal, whose presence guarantees the authenticity and integrity of the document. Authenticity means that the document was signed through the AMODIT platform. Integrity ensures that the content of the document will not change after being signed by all authorized parties and sealed. These two features of the document can serve as evidence in potential legal disputes.

Various documents

Through AMODIT, you can prepare different types of documents, including employment contracts (taking into account various employment relationships), agreements with contractors and confidentiality agreements, purchase, sale, and lease agreements, regulations, powers of attorney, offers, protocols, authorizations, cost estimates, balance sheets, PITs, and many others.




See how others have done it

Do you want to learn how others optimize their processes? Looking for inspiration for more efficient management? Check out our clients’ case studies!

Schedule a free consultation

with one of our specialists. We will show you step by step how to effectively optimize contract signing in your company using AMODIT.

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