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The elimination of the bottleneck in the form of HR processes at Mobica allowed for saving several thousand PLN per month by implementing electronic personnel files.


Mobica Limited Sp. z o.o. is part of the British Mobica group, with branches in Łódź, Warsaw, Szczecin, Rzeszów, and Bydgoszcz. The company is an experienced software provider, offering consultancy in the design of IT product lifecycle for companies such as Google, Facebook, Intel, ARM, T-Mobile, and Vodafone. In Poland, Mobica employs over 750 people.

The challenge in the IT industry

Mobica has several branches in Poland and is growing rapidly, hiring from a few to even 20 new employees per month. In the “old” system, HR employees sent the new employee’s personnel files by courier to Warsaw, where all HR and payroll services for Mobica are handled.

Maintaining employee files in this manner consumed a significant amount of HR staff time and required considerable financial resources. The employee had to assign a number to each document, describe it, file it chronologically into the personnel records, and store it in a cabinet in alphabetical order.

Additionally, there were costs involved, ranging from the easily noticeable ones, such as purchasing a new safe each year for storing HR documentation and courier services, to seemingly minor expenses like office supplies. In a company like Mobica, handling paper files could cost up to 7,000 PLN per month, amounting to 80,000 PLN annually. Worse still, the process of setting up and updating a paper file did not always go smoothly. Errors sometimes occurred, requiring the document to be sent back for correction and then replaced in the physical file. This all greatly prolonged the process and increased the cost of handling employee documentation.

In 2020, when the pandemic broke out, it became virtually impossible to handle any administrative or HR matters other than via courier.

When our company transitioned to remote work, the bottlenecks in the process became particularly noticeable. Many people moved to their hometowns, making the circulation of personnel files even more challenging. It was then that we decided to switch to eFiles. After evaluating the market, we chose the AMODIT platform due to its compliance with legal requirements and the functionality of the tool.

Marta Marcinkowska

Senior HR Administration Specialist at Mobica

A solution for the IT industry

The implementation of AMODIT began with a pre-implementation analysis and the development of a glossary of terms, enabling easy document search within the system. At Mobica, the glossary was created based on the personnel files of the longest-serving employees. Glossaries with the most common document names were imported from HR and payroll systems, so there was no need to learn new terminology. For rare documents, HR employees could create their own glossaries or index them as “other.”

In the next phase, the Mobica team prepared the paper documents for implementation into eFiles and then imported the data. To expedite the most time-consuming phase of implementing the digital workflow—digitizing physical copies—Mobica decided to enlist the support of a certified external company recommended by AMODIT.

Mobica’s task was primarily to inventory the HR and payroll documents and prepare them for handover to specialists who scanned and OCR-processed the paper copies. Upon completion, they also had to verify the accuracy of the data. Thanks to this division of labor, the process of implementing and digitizing the documents was completed in about four months.


Since April 2022, every new employee at Mobica has had their personnel files created electronically as AMODIT eFiles. HR employees can access these files by logging in through a browser. The average time to prepare and complete an eFile has been reduced from several hours to just a few minutes.

Before being indexed in the eFile, each document must be signed with a qualified signature by an HR employee. Other employees sign documents in the system with a standard signature (the employee’s contract is generated in PDF format).

Mobica also no longer incurs new costs related to archiving personnel files. Employees receive their electronic personnel files in digital form or collect the paper copies in person. Any uncollected paper documents are destroyed after the statutory period.

We dedicated a lot of work to the implementation, but it was worth it. The most challenging phase of the project was the physical transition from paper to the system, while learning to use the eFile system hardly required any training. AMODIT eFiles have greatly facilitated our work, including reminding us of tasks to be completed. I definitely wouldn’t want to go back to paper files.

Marta Marcinkowska

Senior HR Administration Specialist at Mobica

Benefits of using AMODIT

Validation during file creation

The system “ensures” which documents must be included in the file for it to be considered complete (e.g., medical examinations, certificates, etc.).

Automatic renumbering

AMODIT ensures correct chronology and labeling of documents, regardless of the order in which they are entered.

Ensuring legal compliance

The platform sends the HR employee a notification before legal deadlines, such as the need to remove an employee penalty.

Easy searchability

AMODIT displays basic employee information (position, supervisor, start date) and allows for searching in various configurations (date, name, employee, part of the file, etc.).

Easy reporting

The system allows for convenient summarization of aggregate data (e.g., data on leaves, expiring contracts, completeness of files, etc.).

Learn more

Do you want to automate business processes and implement digitalization in the HR department?

Schedule a free consultation

with one of our specialists. We will show you step-by-step how to effectively optimize processes in your company using AMODIT.

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