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A leading player in Poland's construction market, Holcim has reduced over 80% of its paper contracts, bringing its "zero paper" strategy to life as part of its broader sustainable development goals.


Holcim (formerly Lafarge Poland) is Poland’s largest producer of raw materials for construction, including cement, aggregates, and concrete. Operating in Poland since 1995, Holcim runs over 40 plants and employs nearly 1,500 people. As part of the global Holcim Group, which spans 70 countries and employs around 70,000 people, Holcim Poland continues to be a leader in sustainable construction.

In 2022, Holcim expanded its presence in the building chemistry market through a merger with Izolbet, marking a strategic focus on renovation, thermal insulation, and building finishing.

Challenges in the Manufacturing Industry

As part of Holcim’s “Sustainable Development Strategy for 2026,” the company committed to a “zero paper” initiative aimed at minimizing paper use and reducing its environmental footprint. This approach aligns with their mission to streamline operations and enhance employee comfort through automation.

In line with the “paperless company” concept, Holcim decided to enhance the digitalization of document management and archiving processes, despite having an existing document management system, which had been in scant operation due to technical support being discontinued for several years.

Holcim employees used to manually process and archive paper documents at three separate locations across Poland. When Holcim evaluated the costs of paper-based processes and calculated a return on investment (ROI) of 0.7, meaning the cost of digital transformation would pay off within a year. It turned out that these costs were higher than the costs of implementing the new solution. In addition to cost savings, improving data security further supported the case for adopting a “zero paper” model.

Digital Solution for the Manufacturing Industry

Holcim chose to implement its “zero paper” policy in manageable stages, focusing first on digitizing the preparation and approval of sales and purchase agreements, lease and transport contracts, and marketing agreements.

The project team identified that standardizing these processes would deliver immediate results, even with variations in metadata or approval workflows.

Holcim’s team evaluated bids from several platform providers for contract management, emphasizing technical capabilities and pricing. Their criteria included a tool that would enable employees to:

Create Contracts

Generate contracts using both templates and customized formats based on counterparties’ needs.

Digitize Documents

Securely digitize documents and store them in a secure cloud repository.

Sign Contracts

Utilize advanced qualified electronic signatures, supporting digital-physical hybrid processes and paper-based signatures in rare cases.

Review Contracts

Collaborate with external contractors to review contracts directly within the platform.

Assess Implementation Efficiency

Assess the ROI.

After assessing five platforms, including one recommended by the global Holcim Group, Holcim Poland selected the AMODIT platform, which met all technical and business requirements.

We selected a solution that supports multiple types of electronic signatures and facilitates a quick implementation of changes, essential for managing a large user base and diverse document types. We also prioritized the platform’s ability to accurately track return on investment through detailed user adoption metrics.

Agnieszka Kaźmierczyk

Head of Digital at Holcim


The goal of the project was that after the initial phase of AMODIT implementation (Priority I), at least 40% of new contracts would be prepared within the AMODIT platform. Additionally, all existing contracts were to be digitized and migrated into the AMODIT repository. To achieve this, the Holcim team needed to collect, organize, and migrate approximately 10,000 documents onto the AMODIT platform.

Agnieszka Kaźmierczyk, Head of Digital at Holcim, coordinated both the needs analysis and the tool’s implementation.

“The biggest challenge was to investigate the specifics of the existing creation process for each contract type. The goal was for every user in the workflow to see the value of the implementation,” she noted.

The work on automating contract approval workflows with advanced electronic signatures, using the AMODIT TrustCenter platform, began in spring 2021 and continued until September 2021.

During the process, we discovered that the sales and purchasing agreements also required discount agreement approvals. After evaluating this, we decided it was best to separate this process from the primary sales-purchasing workflow. We successfully planned and executed the work on this additional workflow within a week.

Commented Gabriel Stanek, Document Workflow System Consultant and project leader on the AMODIT side.

AMODIT TrustCenter was integrated with the Szafir qualified digital signature for Holcim’s needs. The platform was also integrated with Google’s Active Directory, allowing users to access AMODIT without additional logins.

The first results were presented during a meeting attended by around 20 Holcim employees from various departments involved in contract preparation. During this meeting, the project team ensured that the tool met the users’ expectations.

The project coincided with the height of the pandemic, which brought both advantages and challenges. On the positive side, it accelerated the digitization of processes that were previously thought to require physical handling. However, developing and testing the tool, along with training 200 employees from various departments, proved to be difficult. These factors extended the overall implementation timeline, requiring us to prolong the stabilization phase and introduce minor adaptive changes. Fortunately, AMODIT’s low-code platform made these adjustments easy to implement.

Agnieszka Kaźmierczyk

Head of Digital at Holcim

Benefits of using AMODIT

The first phase of AMODIT implementation, completed in the fall of 2021, exceeded expectations. The number of new contracts prepared within AMODIT surpassed the initial target by 30%.

In some business areas, over 99% of contracts are now signed through the platform. What used to take weeks for contract approval is now completed within hours, virtually eliminating costs.


contracts processed in the application


of these contracts went through the full approval process within the application


of these contracts were signed electronically


active and completed contracts were fully archived


active users, and the number steadily increasing

Several departments—including legal, controlling, technology, and marketing—are now using AMODIT to streamline the approval process for purchase and sales contracts. The approval workflow is faster and more efficient, with users focusing only on the sections that require their approval or modification, while standard contract terms remain locked.

For documents that still exist in paper form or involve a mixed-signature process, the original documents are digitized and stored in an electronic archive, ensuring secure, authorized access for all relevant personnel. This shift has enabled Holcim to close two paper archive locations and reduce the space required at a third. Additionally, the remaining documents are stored securely in the cloud.

An internal Application Business Owner provides one-on-one support to new users, with further assistance available through AMODIT’s helpdesk. This hands-on support has contributed to the growing adoption of the platform, leading to increased profitability.

As users become more comfortable with AMODIT, they have started proposing new workflows, including the management of internal instructions and procedures. Holcim has since transitioned to an Unlimited license, allowing all employees to access the platform. The company plans to further digitize administrative processes, including company correspondence and HR support (eFiles).

“The implementation of AMODIT is one of Holcim Poland’s key digitization initiatives. By leveraging electronic document circulation, we aim to become a paperless organization, fully aligned with our sustainable development strategy”, emphasizes Agnieszka Kaźmierczyk, Head of Digital at Holcim. “We are now preparing to launch another crucial internal workflow: the approval process for company procedures and instructions, using a simple signature. To streamline this, we utilized the approval matrix developed from our existing contract workflow”

notes Agnieszka Kaźmierczyk

The company has also initiated a pilot program to encourage selected contractors to collaborate on documents directly within the platform. Beginning in 2023, the plan is to expand this initiative to additional partners, promoting the digitization of processes in line with its sustainable development strategy.

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    Administratorem danych osobowych przekazanych za pomocą powyższego formularza kontaktowego jest Astrafox sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłaną wiadomość. Masz prawo dostępu do swoich danych, żądania ich sprostowania, ograniczenia, usunięcia, wniesienia sprzeciwu oraz skargi do organu nadzorczego. Szczegółowe informacje o przetwarzaniu podanych danych osobowych znajdują się w Polityce prywatności.