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Electronic document workflow in the catering industry

Do you manage a restaurant chain and want to speed up or streamline processes in your company? Are you wondering if digitalization is possible in your industry? Discover AMODIT and try out the features that benefit restaurants choosing this solution.

Free consultation

Who will benefit from electronic document workflow in the catering industry?

AMODIT is ideal for restaurant chains that need quick information flow, easy access to current data, and faster decision-making processes. For example, changing the menu linked to specific marketing actions and implementing it on a specific day regardless of the restaurant’s location.

By planning such a process in AMODIT, all decision-makers must provide feedback or approve changes. Full monitoring, a reporting module, and notifications about subsequent actions for related processes are just some of the features that will streamline this process.

Why electronic document workflow in the catering industry?

Electronic document workflow is becoming a standard in companies that focus on growth and want to increase the efficiency of their entire team. The workflow of invoices, orders, and correspondence is fundamental – these options are available in ready-made solutions on the market. But what about processes specific to your industry? AMODIT is flexible – you can easily adapt its capabilities to the rhythm of your business.

Benefits for Your Company from electronic document workflow in the catering industry

After implementing AMODIT in your restaurant chain, you will be able to, among other things:

Automate processes

and eliminate manual tasks

Save time

of your team and increase their daily work efficiency

Facilitate communication

through efficient information sharing

Speed up decision-making processes

in which people from different departments are involved – from the Management Board to the Marketing Department

Keep a finger on the pulse

of the processes occurring within the company

Even more benefits for the catering industry

Eliminate paper documents

Orders, invoices, or employee leave requests – all documentation will be digitized, allowing convenient access at any time.

Define any business process

From changing the menu, implementing a marketing strategy, to recruiting employees – the common denominator of these activities is optimization. With AMODIT, the team operates more efficiently.

Full process monitoring

Is the menu change process not moving forward? Check who still needs to approve the next step or receive automatic notifications about the absence of the decision-maker.

Efficiently manage new partners

The contract, which will be signed electronically in AMODIT TrustCenter, can be found in the repository alongside other documentation related to the partner (invoices, employee documentation).

Create reports and summaries

AMODIT has a built-in reporting module, allowing those interested in the entire process to analyze progress reports.

Make decisions faster

All data in digital form in one place – this convenience enhances business decision-making. With AMODIT, data analysis becomes even easier.

Schedule a free consultation

with one of our specialists. We will show you step by step how to effectively optimize your company in the catering industry using AMODIT

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