Schemat blokowy

Correspondence workflow

Are you looking for a single solution to optimize various processes in your company? Do you want to increase team efficiency, save time, and automate daily tasks? Discover AMODIT – a system that makes handling correspondence quick and easy. This is just one of the options this tool offers.

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Who is the correspondence workflow system for?

Fast and convenient handling of the correspondence process with the AMODIT system is a universal solution – essential for any company that receives and sends messages daily.

Why a correspondence workflow system?

The correspondence workflow should be efficient to ensure timely fulfillment of related obligations. The AMODIT system supports the work of the administration department in this regard. That’s not all. Activities related to handling correspondence can be integrated with other processes in AMODIT, such as contract or invoice workflows.

Benefits for your company from implementing the correspondence workflow tool

By implementing the correspondence workflow process from AMODIT, you will gain, among other things:

Order in correspondence

incoming and outgoing

Convenience in searching for information

about each document or shipment


fulfillment of obligations

Ability to define rules

specific to particular types of documents

Option to integrate with courier company portals

ensuring workflow continuity within one system


over the progress of each process

Even more benefits from the correspondence management system in your company

Quick document registration

Simply scan the document or send it by email, and it will be automatically registered in the correspondence log. You no longer need to maintain it in Excel or save scans on your computer. In AMODIT, you can create a central correspondence register with quick document preview, accessible to authorized individuals.

Simple and dynamic process handling

Each document goes through several stages. The first is registering the correspondence and assigning the letter. The next step is task completion, which involves responding and its approval, sending the letter, logging it into the register, or archiving.

Incoming correspondence

The workflow of incoming correspondence allows for organized registration and internal distribution within the organization. Each parcel will be registered in the system and forwarded accordingly. Authorized personnel can quickly locate any parcel and check its status.

Outgoing correspondence

The workflow of outgoing correspondence supports the organization in its creation, approval, and dispatch. It allows printing labels for envelopes in various formats, registering correspondence directly in the Polish Post’s eNadawca system, and other courier company systems.

Correspondence workflow paths

Both incoming and outgoing correspondence can pass through various hands within the organization. AMODIT enables smooth and quick transfer of correspondence between individuals or the implementation of separate rules for different types of documents.

Process monitoring

With AMODIT, management has full and current information on the progress of each process. They know who and at what stage is holding the document or how many documents are awaiting approval. In the system, all processes become transparent, and access to data is unrestricted.

Automatic numbering and easy searching

AMODIT can automatically assign a unique number to each registered incoming and outgoing correspondence according to the pattern used in the company. This ensures continuity and transparency of numbering and makes it easier to find letters, documents, or parcels in the system.

Flexible solution tailored to your needs

The program learns the user’s actions and algorithms to replicate, duplicate, and apply them in practice. In AMODIT, you can define additional business rules that will automate document workflows typical for your company based on form fields.

See how others did it

Want to learn how others are optimizing their processes? Looking for inspiration for more efficient management? Check out our Clients’ case studies!

Schedule a free consultation

with one of our specialists. We will demonstrate step by step how to effectively optimize the correspondence workflow in your company using AMODIT.




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