Schemat blokowy

Administrative Area

Did you know that automating processes can significantly enhance administrative efficiency in your company? With AMODIT, you’ll effectively organize data, ensuring fast and convenient access to essential information. No more delays, errors, and lost documents. Discover how much more your company can achieve with automation.

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Examples of Administrative Processes

Handling Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence


Travel Expense Reimbursement

Board Applications

Conference Room Bookings

Fleet Management

Document Archiving

Power of Attorney Register

And More


  • Correspondence Flow Paths
  • Quick Document Registration
  • Process Monitoring
Schemat blokowy
  • Manage the flow of both incoming and outgoing correspondence seamlessly. AMODIT allows for quick and efficient transfer of mail between employees, with customizable paths for different types of deliveries.

  • Scan or email documents for automatic registration in the correspondence log. You no longer need to maintain separate Excel registries or save scans on your computer. With AMODIT, you’ll have a centralized correspondence registry with quick document previews and convenient access for authorized users.

  • Gain complete and up-to-date information on the progress of every process. Easily track who is handling a document, identify bottlenecks, and see how many documents are awaiting approval. AMODIT makes all processes transparent, enabling prompt identification and resolution of delays.

  • Efficiently manage scanned contracts and documents.

  • Easily retrieve information with multi-attribute search capabilities.

  • Eliminate the risk of lost or destroyed documents.

  • Efficiently control employee access to the contract repository.

  • Find information within your documentation in seconds.



  • Organized Documentation
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Enhance Data Security
  • Streamlined Access Management
  • Time Savings



  • Correspondence Flow Paths

    Manage the flow of both incoming and outgoing correspondence seamlessly. AMODIT allows for quick and efficient transfer of mail between employees, with customizable paths for different types of deliveries.

  • Quick Document Registration

    Scan or email documents for automatic registration in the correspondence log. You no longer need to maintain separate Excel registries or save scans on your computer. With AMODIT, you’ll have a centralized correspondence registry with quick document previews and convenient access for authorized users.

  • Process Monitoring

    Gain complete and up-to-date information on the progress of every process. Easily track who is handling a document, identify bottlenecks, and see how many documents are awaiting approval. AMODIT makes all processes transparent, enabling prompt identification and resolution of delays.

  • Organized Documentation

    Efficiently manage scanned contracts and documents.

  • Regulatory Compliance

    Easily retrieve information with multi-attribute search capabilities.

  • Enhance Data Security

    Eliminate the risk of lost or destroyed documents.

  • Streamlined Access Management

    Efficiently control employee access to the contract repository.

  • Time Savings

    Find information within your documentation in seconds.

Administrative area
  • Administrative Area Success Story

    Challenge: Managing Digital Versions of Paper Documents

    A company already using AMODIT sought further enhancements in its administrative operations. Their primary goal was to optimize the management and storage of scanned (digital) contracts with contractors and suppliers, while also ensuring easy access for selected employees to the contract repository.

    The Solution Before System Implementation

    Before implementing the new system, the company archived documents both in paper form and as scanned copies stored in the cloud. While partially effective, this approach was time-consuming and imposed several limitations on employees.

    Scope and Benefits of Implementation

    To address these challenges, the company implemented new processes within the AMODIT system, which have streamlined daily operations and delivered the following benefits:

    • Contract Repository:This process manages digital versions of paper documents. Each contract is treated as a distinct process composed of a form capturing multiple attributes (e.g. parties involved, validity periods, confidentiality clauses, appendices) and a brief workflow. Key steps include attaching scanned copies of contract and related documents, adding descriptions, verifying the accuracy of the descriptions, and transferring them to the virtual repository.
    • Access Permissions Requests: This auxiliary process handles the submissions of requests to grant or revoke access permissions for specified individuals to the contract repository. The process involves preparing the request, undergoing two-stage approval, and finally granting or revoking permissions.

    The implementation of these processes has significantly enhanced the company’s operations. The client highlighted the convenience of the virtual repository, the ease of accessing information, and the enhanced data security through robust permission management. As a result, another key area within the company has been optimized, leading to increased efficiency across the team.

See How Other Companies Have Improved Their Administrative Processes

Are you curious about how other companies are optimizing their processes? Looking for inspiration to boost efficiency in your own organization? Explore our clients’ case studies!

Schedule a free consultation

with one of our specialists. We’ll guide you step by step on how to optimize your administrative processes using AMODIT.

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