Schemat blokowy

Full digitization of processes in the company
Forget about paper documents

Electronic document workflow with artificial intelligence (AI), low-code platform, electronic signatures, BI reports, and ready-made modules.

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Act modern and ACHIEVE MORE

AMODIT is a system for electronic document workflow that can reduce the duration of business processes in your company by up to 76%. What does this mean in practice? It means no more repetitive tasks done manually, lost documents, or information chaos. Instead, you get consistent and up-to-date data stored in one place.

AMODIT ensures convenience and flexible adaptation to the needs of any business. Examples? From now on, invoice circulation, contract amendments, or any process in your company will take less time, allowing employees to focus on more demanding tasks.

The AMODIT platform is available in two models:

  • On-premises: Ideal for companies needing full control over their data. Data is stored locally on the client’s servers, ensuring security and compliance with the company’s internal policies.
  • SaaS (Software as a Service): Designed for companies looking for a quick launch without the need for IT infrastructure investment. It allows easy access and flexible scaling. Data is stored in the cloud, adhering to the highest security standards and ensuring continuity of operations.



Implemented processes


Business partners

Schemat blokowy

Easy creation of business processes

Graphic process creation in AMODIT is more than just visualization – it’s a tool for defining clear and simple business rules. Quick and intuitive design of business processes is crucial for the efficient functioning of a company, allowing easy understanding and implementation by all team members.


AMODIT not only simplifies process creation but also makes is accessible to everyone, regardless of experience. With the drag & drop feature, creating rules becomes simple and enjoyable. There’s no need to know programming languages, making it possible for anyone to create business processes.


Using AMODIT improves team efficiency and productivity. Simple and understandable processes enable quick implementation, resulting in smooth operations and the ability to respond swiftly. With AMODIT, your company becomes more flexible, adaptable, and ready for future challenges.

Simple form design

In the digital era, where data drives business decisions, AMODIT facilitates data collection by offering a graphical form creation tool. Forget about technical difficulties and manual data entry. You can design forms that simplify information gathering, eliminating unnecessary steps and automating tasks.


Graphic form creation simplifies the preparation process using drag & drop and predefined templates. It also eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces errors, and increases accuracy. AMODIT makes form creation easy, allowing live preview and adjustments to the element being developed.


The user-friendly interface, extensive template library, and smooth integration options with other software systems save time and costs. With AMODIT, form creation becomes automated and provides a foundation for analysis and informed business decisions.

Intuitive analytics and reports

In a world where data is essential for making business decisions, creating reports using drag & drop becomes indispensable. AMODIT enables report creation without the need for complex analytical tools, making data analysis accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical skills.


Creating reports is not only simple but also fast and efficient. AMODIT offers tools that allow for easy creation of visually appealing and information-rich analyses. Users can also utilize external data sources, ensuring versatility and in-depth analysis.


Users benefit not only from the simplicity and speed of report creation but also from the ability to analyze data from various sources. Analyses can be tailored to the individual needs of each employee, allowing for precise and valuable insights that are crucial for your organization.

What solutions do we provide?

AMODIT Clients

Different processes and various industries. Over 50,000 users every day complete their tasks faster and more efficiently thanks to AMODIT. What has changed in their work after implementation? Discover their feedback.

  • Adecco Poland

    Centralization of tasks, substitute management during employee absences, and access to all data are the benefits observed by Adecco after implementing AMODIT.

  • Mobica

    The elimination of the bottleneck in the form of HR processes at Mobica allowed for saving several thousand PLN per month by implementing electronic personnel files.

  • PCBC

    Convenient access to data, reduced time required for processes, and efficient information flow within the team are just some of the positive changes that occurred at PCBC after implementing AMODIT.

  • Holcim

    A key player in the construction market in Poland has eliminated over 80% of paper contracts. In this way, Holcim is implementing the ‘zero paper’ concept in practice as part of the company’s sustainable development strategy.